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话说月神在希腊神话中不叫Diana (狄安娜),而是叫 Artemis (阿提密斯)。狄安娜是罗马神话里的人物,不是希腊。


Artemis is the Greek goddess of the Moon and the hunt. She is also one of the virgin goddesses, and She protects women in labor, small children and wild animals. As a virgin goddess, She, Hestia, and Athena are not affected by Aphrodite’s (Greek goddess of love) manipulations.


Artemis can easily be identified wearing her short tunic with flat-heeled sandals with a bags of arrows on her back. She is associated with many of the animals of the wild including the bear, the boar, the stag, the goat and packs of dogs. She is the goddess of the hunt and is thus associated with death, bows and arrows and youth. Her arrows, often used in the hunt, serve several other purposes as well. Artemis is said to he the power to infect people with a plague with her arrows as well as use them to punish those who he wronged her. She is associated with childbirth and may use her arrows to relieve those in labor. Artemis is also associated with the crescent moon, which she sometimes wears upon her head. Artemis, like Athena, is a chaste goddess and her many followers take vows of chastity while under the service of Artemis.


Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo (sun and moon). Artemis was generally viewed as the daughter of Zeus and Leto, although there is a myth that she is the daughter of Demeter (the name of the father was lost to antiquity).


Being associated with chastity, Artemis at an early age (in one legend she was three years old) asked her father, the great god Zeus, to grant her eternal virginity. Also, all her companions were virgins. Artemis was very protective of her purity, and ge gre punishment to any man who attempted to dishonor her in any form. Actaeon, while out hunting, accidentally came upon Artemis and her nymphs, who bathing naked in a secluded pool. Seeing them in all their naked beauty, the stunned Actaeon stopped and gazed at them, but when Artemis saw him ogling them, she transformed him into a stag. Then, incensed with disgust, she set his own hounds upon him. They chased and killed what they thought was another stag, but it was their master. As with Orion, a giant and a great hunter, there are several legends which tell of his death, one involving Artemis. It is said that he tried to rape the virgin goddess, so killed him with her bow and arrows. Another says she conjured up a scorpion which killed Orion and his dog. Orion became a constellation in the night sky, and his dog became Sirius, the dog star. Yet another version says it was the scorpion which stung him and was transformed into the constellation with Orion, the later being Scorpio. Artemis was enraged when one of her nymphs, Callisto, allowed Zeus to seduce her, but the great god roached her in one of his guises; he came in the form of Artemis. The young nymph was unwittingly tricked, and she ge birth to Arcas, the ancestor of the Arcadians, but Artemis showed no mercy and changed her into a bear. She then shot and killed her. As Orion, she was sent up to the heens, and became the constellation of the Great Bear (which is also known as the Plough).

Artemis was very possessive. She would show her wrath on anyone who disobeyed her wishes, especially against her sacred animals. Even the great hero Agamemnon came upon the wrath of Artemis, when he killed a stag in her sacred grove. His punishment came when his ships were becalmed, while he made his way to besiege Troy. With no winds to sail his ships he was told by the seer Calchas that the only way Artemis would bring back the winds was for him to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia. Some versions say he did sacrifice Iphigenia, others that Artemis exchanged a deer in her place, and took Iphigenia to the land of the Tauri (the Crimea) as a priestess, to prepare strangers for sacrifice to Artemis.

Artemis with her twin brother, Apollo, put to death the children of Niobe. The reason being that Niobe, a mere mortal, had boasted to Leto, the mother of the divine twins, that she had bore more children, which must make her superior to Leto. Apollo being outraged at such an insult on his mother, informed Artemis. The twin gods hunted them down and shot them with their bows and arrows; Apollo killed the male children and Artemis the girls.

奥利文是那个的ORION吧?他们相爱的故事我不怎么清楚,但倒是很多关于Artemis 为何杀死Orion的故事。


Artemis was responsible for the death of talented hunter by the name of Orion. There are many conflicting stories about why she killed him, but each story ends with the same sad fate for Orion. One account states that Orion tried to rape Artemis and she shot him with her arrows in retaliation. A second account declares that Orion boasted that he would kill all of the wild animals on earth, which prompted Artemis to send a scorpion to bring about his death. A third account claims that Orion tried to rish the virgin goddess and she sent a scorpion to bite him, thus getting her revenge. A fourth account dares to claim that Artemis fell in love with Orion and that Apollo became jealous. One day while the twins were hunting in Crete Apollo spotted Orion swimming far out in the sea. Apollo, knowing that it was Orion, challenged his sister to hit the distant object with her arrow. Artemis, being the great huntress and an excellent shot, accepted her brother's challenge and pierced Orion's temple, thus causing the death of her beloved. When Artemis realized what she had done, she made amends by placing him in the sky as the constellation Orion.



又有个耳机品牌进军台湾,耳机品牌ERATO正式于今日开启对台销售策略,首波有3款蓝牙耳机,包括APOLLO 7s、MUSE 5,以及RIO 3。

耳机品牌ERATO 今日(4/25)宣布正式登陆台湾,首出APOLLO 7s、MUSE 5,以及RIO 3 三款「真无线」蓝牙耳机,左右耳机之间透过蓝牙连接,完全摆脱电线的束缚。ERATRO APOLLO 7s 提供经典黑、太空灰、极致银、玫瑰金四种颜色.原价 11980 元、新品优惠价 9980 元,预计 5 月下旬上市;MUSE 5 原价 6980 元,新品优惠价 6380 元,共有金属黑、珍珠白、湛青蓝、玫瑰金四色。RIO 3 原价 5280 元,新品优惠价 4680 元,共有金刚黑、太空灰、石榴红、天空蓝、青草绿 5 色,产品 5 月正式于三创、法雅客、Next one 与各大 EC 通路,PChome、?ahoo 商城、MOMO 购物网、博客来等上架销售。

ERATO APOLLO 7s 机身重量仅 4g,并拥有 IPX5 防泼水,主打 3D 环绕音效,内建 5.8mm Micro Driver 喇叭单元、复合振膜与特殊单元结构,强调可以呈现低耗高效率的声音表现。左右两耳皆内建麦克风,可以用来通话,每一侧的耳机上的单一按键均可操控所有功能,如蓝牙配对、音量控制、切换音乐、接听电话、呼叫 Siri 及 Google now 等。其电池续航力可连续听音乐约 3hr、单耳连续通话约 4hr,左右两耳亦更可分开配对独立使用及通话,专利的 360 度无方向性置入充电盒可重复充电 2 次以上,大幅延长续航力。

APOLLO 7s 规格:

蓝牙:Bluetooth 4.1 无线可接收距离:约 10m 频率:20Hz~20kHz 尺寸: 耳机:15.4 x 22.2 充电盒:62.5 x 40 x 25.5mm 重量: 耳机:4g x 2pcs 充电盒:52g 使用时间:正常环境操作情况下,听音乐约 3 小时,讲电话约 4 小时 颜色:经典黑、太空灰、极致银、玫瑰金 价格:原价 11980 元,新品优惠价 9980 元(至 6 月底)

ERATO MUSE 5 同样具备全球 3D 环绕音效,奈米防水涂层符合 IPX5 防泼水规格,机身 8.5g,拥有「FitSeal 可更换固定耳垫」专利加上耳塞,共 12 种不同尺寸组合,配戴后仅需轻转耳机,就能够贴合耳道外耳轮,除了不容易掉落,也能强化隔音效果。ERATO MUSE 5用蓝牙 4.1 规格,并支援 aptX高品质无线音乐传输技术,电池可连续播放4小时音乐、连续通讯 6 小时,充电盒亦可充满耳机至少 2 次,待机可达 100 小时。


蓝牙:Bluetooth 4.1 无线可接收距离:约 10m 频率:20Hz~20kHz 尺寸: 耳机:25.2x 20 x 30mm 充电盒:78.1 x 39.2 x 39.77mm 重量: 耳机:8.5g x 2pcs 充电盒:46g 使用时间:正常环境操作情况下,听音乐约 4 小时,讲电话约 6 小时 颜色:金属黑、珍珠白、湛青蓝、玫瑰金 价格:原价 6980 元,新品优惠价 6380 元(至 5 月底)

耳挂式设计的 ERATO RIO 3 是一款运动耳机,耳环挂勾设计号称在激烈的运动下也不轻易掉,机身具备 IPX5 防泼水规格不怕汗水。14.2mm 大尺寸惰性喇叭单体可强化低音表现,拥有超越 20kHz 的听觉再现能力。内建电池电量为 130mA ,可连续拨放6小时音乐、连续通话 8 小时。


蓝牙:bluetooth 4.2 无线可接收距离:约 10m 频率:20Hz~20kHz 尺寸:耳机:51 x 34 x 46mm 重量:耳机:14g x 2pcs 电池容量:130mAh / 每单边 使用时间:正常环境操作情况下,听音乐约 6 小时,讲电话约 8 小时 颜色:金刚黑、太空灰、石榴红、天空蓝、青草绿 价格:原价 5280 元,新品优惠价 4680 元(至 5 月底)

以下我们也拍摄了一段由ERATO 原厂产品经理介绍 APOLLO 7s、MUSE 5,以及 RIO 3 三款新品的影片。帮助大家更具体了解产品的特色。

[embedded content]



循环冗余校验(CRC)是一种根据网络数据封包或电脑档案等数据产生少数固定位数的一种散列函数,主要用来检测或校验数据传输或者保存后可能出现的错误。生成的数字在传输或者储存之前计算出来并且附加到数据后面,然后接收方进行检验确定数据是否发生变化。一般来说,循环冗余校验的值都是32位的整数。由于本函数易于用二进制的电脑硬件使用、容易进行数学分析并且尤其善于检测传输通道干扰引起的错误,因此获得广泛应用。它是由W. Wesley Peterson在他1961年发表的论文中披露[1]。





'''循环冗余校验'''(CRC)是一种根据网路数据封包或[[电脑档案]]等数据产生少数固定位数的一种[[散列函数]],主要用来检测或校验数据传输或者保存后可能出现的错误。生成的数字在传输或者储存之前计算出来并且附加到数据后面,然后接收方进行检验确定数据是否发生变化。一般来说,循环冗余校验的值都是32位的整数。由于本函数易于用二进制的[[电脑硬件]]使用、容易进行数学分析并且尤其善于检测传输通道干扰引起的错误,因此获得广泛应用。它是由[[W. Wesley Peterson]]在他1961年发表的论文中披露<ref name="PetersonBrown1961">

{{cite journal

| author = Peterson, W. W. and Brown, D. T.

| year = 1961

| month = January

| title = Cyclic Codes for Error Detection

| journal = Proceedings of the IRE

| doi = 10.1109/JRPROC.1961.287814

| issn = 0096-8390

| volume = 49

| pages = 228




CRCa 是基于[[有限域]]GF(2)([[同余|关于2同余]])的[[多项式环]]。简单的来说,就是所有系数都为0或1(又叫做二进制)的多项式系数的集合,并且集合对于所有的代数操作都是封闭的。例如:

:<math>(x^3 + x) + (x + 1) = x^3 + 2x + 1 \equiv x^3 + 1</math>

2会变成0,因为对系数的加法都会模2. 乘法也是类似的:

:<math>(x^2 + x)(x + 1) = x^3 + 2x^2 + x \equiv x^3 + x</math>

我们同样可以对多项式作除法并且得到商和余数。例如, 如果我们用''x''<sup>3</sup> + ''x''<sup>2</sup> + ''x''除以''x'' + 1。我们会得到:

:<math>\frac{(x^3 + x^2 + x)}{(x+1)} = (x^2 + 1) - \frac{1}{(x+1)}</math>

<!--注:在说“除以”的时候, 读者将会看到等式中的除号。这里看不到除号常使我感到有点混乱。-->


:<math>(x^3 + x^2 + x) = (x^2 + 1)(x + 1) - 1</math>

这里除法得到了商''x''<sup>2</sup> + 1和余数-1,因为是奇数所以最后一位是1。

字符串中的每一位其实就对应了这样类型的多项式的系数。为了得到CRC, 我们首先将其乘以<math>x^{n}</math>,这里<math>n</math>是一个固定多项式的[[多项式的阶|阶]]数, 然后再将其除以这个固定的多项式,余数的系数就是CRC。

在上面的等式中,<math>x^2+x+1</math>表示了本来的信息位是<code>111</code>, <math>x+1</math>是所谓的'''钥匙''', 而余数<math>1</math>(也就是<math>x^0</math>)就是CRC. key的最高次为1, 所以我们将原来的信息乘上<math>x^1</math>来得到<math>x^3 + x^2 + x</math>,也可视为原来的信息位补1个零成为<code>1110</code>。


:<math>M(x) \cdot x^{n} = Q(x) \cdot K(x) + R (x) </math>

这里 M(x) 是原始的信息多项式。K(x)是<math>n</math>阶的“钥匙”多项式。<math>M(x) \cdot x^{n}</math>表示了将原始信息后面加上<math>n</math>个0。R(x)是余数多项式,既是CRC“校验和”。在通讯中,发送者在原始的信息数据M后加上<math>n</math>位的R(替换本来附加的0)再发送。接收者收到M和R后,检查<math>M(x) \cdot x^{n} - R(x)</math>是否能被<math>K(x)</math>整除。如果是,那么接收者认为该信息是正确的。值得注意的是<math>M(x) \cdot x^{n} - R(x)</math>就是发送者所想要发送的数据。这个串又叫做''codeword''.

CRCs 经常被叫做“[[校验和]]”, 但是这样的说法严格来说并不是准确的,因为技术上来说,校验“和”是通过加法来计算的,而不是CRC这里的除法。




CRC 有几种不同的变体

* <code>shiftRegister</code> 可以逆向使用,这样就需要检测最低位的值,每次向右移动一位。这就要求 <code>polynomial</code> 生成逆向的数据位结果。''实际上这是最常用的一个变体。''

* 可以先将数据最高位读到移位寄存器,也可以先读最低位。在通讯协议中,为了保留 CRC 的[[突发错误]]检测特性,通常按照[[物理层]]发送数据位的方式计算 CRC。

* 为了检查 CRC,需要在全部的码字上进行 CRC 计算,而不是仅仅计算消息的 CRC 并把它与 CRC 比较。如果结果是 0,那么就通过这项检查。这是因为码字 <math>M(x) \cdot x^{n} - R(x) = Q(x) \cdot K(x)</math> 可以被 <math>K(x)</math> 整除。

* 移位寄存器可以初始化成 1 而不是 0。同样,在用算法处理之前,消息的最初 <math>n</math> 个数据位要取反。这是因为未经修改的 CRC 无法区分只有起始 0 的个数不同的两条消息。而经过这样的取反过程,CRC 就可以正确地分辨这些消息了。

* CRC 在附加到消息数据流的时候可以进行取反。这样,CRC 的检查可以用直接的方法计算消息的 CRC、取反、然后与消息数据流中的 CRC 比较这个过程来完成,也可以通过计算全部的消息来完成。在后一种方法中,正确消息的结果不再是 0,而是 <math>\sum_{i=n}^{2n-1} x^{i}</math> 除以 <math>K(x)</math> 得到的结果。这个结果叫作核验多项式 <math>C(x)</math>,它的十六进制表示也叫作[[幻数]]。

按照惯例,使用 CRC-32 多项式以及 CRC-16-CCITT 多项式时通常都要取反。CRC-32 的核验多项式是

<math>C(x) = x^{31} + x^{30} + x^{26} + x^{25} + x^{24} + x^{18} + x^{15} + x^{14} + x^{12} + x^{11} + x^{10} + x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1</math>。


CRC 的错误检测能力依赖于关键多项式的阶次以及所使用的特定关键多项式。''误码多项式'' <math>E(x)</math> 是接收到的消息码字与正确消息码字的''异或''结果。当且仅当误码多项式能够被 CRC 多项式整除的时候 CRC 算法无法检查到错误。

* 由于 CRC 的计算基于除法,任何多项式都无法检测出一组全为零的数据出现的错误或者前面丢失的零。但是,可以根据 CRC 的[[#变体|变体]]来解决这个问题。

* 所有只有一个数据位的错误都可以被至少有两个非零系数的任意多项式检测到。误码多项式是 <math>x^k</math>,并且 <math>x^k</math> 只能被 <math>i \le k</math> 的多项式 <math>x^i</math> 整除。

* CRC 可以检测出所有间隔距离小于[[多项式阶次]]的双位错误,在这种情况下的误码多项式是

<math>E(x) = x^i + x^k = x^k \cdot (x^{i-k} + 1), \; i > k</math>。

如上所述,<math>x^k</math> 不能被 CRC 多项式整除,它得到一个 <math>x^{i-k} + 1</math> 项。根据定义,满足多项式整除 <math>x^{i-k} + 1</math> 的 <math>{i-k}</math> 最小值就是多项是的阶次。最高阶次的多项式是[[本原多项式]],带有二进制系数的 <math>n</math> 阶多项式

==CRC 多项式规范==


* 对于一些复杂的校验和来说这些十六进制数值是很重要的,如 CRC-32 以及 CRC-64。通常小于 CRC-16 的 CRC 不需要使用这些值。

* 通常可以通过改变这些值来得到各自不同的校验和,但是校验和算法机制并没有变化。

CRC 标准化问题

* 由于 CRC-12 有三种常用的形式,所以 CRC-12 的定义会有歧义

* 在应用的 CRC-8 的两种形式都有数学上的缺陷。

* 据称 CRC-16 与 CRC-32 至少有 10 种形式,但没有一种在数学上是最优的。

* 同样大小的 CCITT CRC 与 ITU CRC 不同,这个机构在不同时期定义了不同的校验和。

==常用 CRC(按照 ITU-IEEE 规范)==


! 名称|| 多项式 || 表示法:正常或者翻转


|CRC-1 || <math>x + 1</math><br>(用途:硬件,也称为[[奇偶校验位]]) || 0x1 or 0x1 (0x1)


|CRC-5-CCITT || <math>x^{5} + x^{3} + x + 1</math> ([[ITU]] G.704 标准) || 0x15 (0x?)


|CRC-5-USB || <math>x^{5} + x^{2} + 1</math> (用途:[[USB]] 信令包) || 0x05 or 0x14 (0x9)


|CRC-7 || <math>x^{7} + x^{3} + 1</math> (用途:通信系统) || 0x09 or 0x48 (0x11)


|CRC-8-ATM || <math>x^8 + x^2 + x + 1</math> (用途:ATM HEC) || 0x07 or 0xE0 (0xC1)


|CRC-8-[[CCITT]] || <math>x^8 + x^7 + x^3 + x^2 + 1</math> (用途:[[1-Wire]] [[总线]]) ||


|CRC-8-[[Dallas_Semiconductor|Dallas]]/[[Maxim_IC|Maxim]] || <math>x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1</math> (用途:[[1-Wire]] [[bus]]) || 0x31 or 0x8C


|CRC-8 || <math>x^8 + x^7 + x^6 + x^4 + x^2 +1</math> || 0xEA(0x?)


|CRC-10 || x<sup>10</sup> + x<sup>9</sup> + x<sup>5</sup> + x<sup>4</sup> + x + 1 || 0x233 (0x)


|CRC-12 || <math>x^{12} + x^{11} + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1</math><br>(用途:通信系统) || 0x80F or 0xF01 (0xE03)


|CRC-16-Fletcher || 参见 [[Fletcher's checksum]] || 用于 [[Adler-32]] A & B CRC


|CRC-16-CCITT || ''x''<sup>16</sup> + ''x''<sup>12</sup> + ''x''<sup>5</sup> + 1 ([[X25]], [[V.41]], [[Bluetooth]], [[PPP]], [[IrDA]]) || 0x1021 or 0x8408 (0x0811)


|CRC-16-[[IBM]] || ''x''<sup>16</sup> +''x''<sup>15</sup> + ''x''<sup>2</sup> + 1 || 0x8005 or 0xA001 (0x4003)


|CRC-16-[[BBS]] || x<sup>16</sup> + x<sup>15</sup> + x<sup>10</sup> + x<sup>3</sup> (用途:[[XMODEM]] 协议) || 0x8408 (0x)


|CRC-32-Adler || See [[Adler-32]] || 参见 [[Adler-32]]


|CRC-32-MPEG2 || See [[IEEE 802.3]] || 参见 [[IEEE 802.3]]


|CRC-32-[[IEEE 802.3]] || <math>x^{32} + x^{26} + x^{23} + x^{22} + x^{16} + x^{12} + x^{11} + x^{10} + x^8 + x^7 + x^5 + x^4 + x^2 + x + 1</math> || 0x04C11DB7 or 0xEDB88320 (0xDB710641)


|CRC-32C (Castagnoli)<ref name="cast93"/>|| <math>x^{32} + x^{28} + x^{27} + x^{26} + x^{25} + x^{23} + x^{22} + x^{20} + x^{19} + x^{18} + x^{14} + x^{13} + x^{11} + x^{10} + x^9 + x^8 + x^6 + 1</math> || 0x1EDC6F41 or 0x82F63B78 (0x05EC76F1)


|CRC-64-ISO || <math>x^{64} + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1</math><br>(use: ISO 3309) || 0x000000000000001B or 0xD800000000000000 (0xB000000000000001)


|CRC-64-[[Ecma International|ECMA]]-182 || <math>x^{64} + x^{62} + x^{57} + x^{55} + x^{54} + x^{53} + x^{52} + x^{47} + x^{46} + x^{45} + x^{40} + x^{39} + x^{38} + x^{37} + x^{35} + x^{33} + x^{32} </math><br><!--Too long to display in one table--><math>+ x^{31} + x^{29} + x^{27} + x^{24} + x^{23} + x^{22} + x^{21} + x^{19} + x^{17} + x^{13} + x^{12} + x^{10} + x^9 + x^7 + x^4 + x + 1</math><br>(as described in [://.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-182.htm ECMA-182] p.63) || 0x42F0E1EBA9EA3693 or 0xC96C5795D7870F42 (0x92D8AF2BAF0E1E85)


|CRC-128 || IEEE-ITU 标准。被 [[MD5]] & [[SHA-1]] 取代||


|CRC-160 || IEEE-ITU 标准。被 [[MD5]] & [[SHA-1]] 取代||



==CRC 与数据完整性==

尽管在[[错误检测]]中非常有用,CRC 并不能可靠地验证[[数据完整性]](即数据没有发生任何变化),这是因为 CRC 多项式是线性结构,可以非常容易地''故意''改变数据而维持 CRC 不变,参见[://.woodmann/fria/crctut1.htm CRC and how to Reverse it]中的证明。我们可以用 [[Message authentication code]] 验证数据完整性。


与所有其它的[[散列函数]]一样,在一定次数的碰撞测试之后 CRC 也会接近 100% 出现碰撞。CRC 中每增加一个数据位,就会将碰撞数目减少接近 50%,如 CRC-20 与 CRC-21 相比。

* 理论上来讲,CRC64 的碰撞概率大约是每 18{{e|18}} 个 CRC 码出现一次。

* 由于 CRC 的不分解多项式特性,所以经过合理设计的较少位数的 CRC 可能会与使用较多数据位但是设计很差的 CRC 的效率相媲美。在这种情况下 CRC-32 几乎同 CRC-40 一样优秀。

===设计 CRC 多项式===

生成多项式的选择是 CRC 算法实现中最重要的部分,所选择的多项式必须有最大的错误检测能力,同时保证总体的碰撞概率最小。多项式最重要的属性是它的长度,也就是最高非零系数的数值,因为它直接影响着计算的校验和的长度。


* 9 位 (CRC-8)

* 17 位 (CRC-16)

* 33 位 (CRC-32)

* 65 位 (CRC-64)

在构建一个新的 CRC 多项式或者改进现有的 CRC 时,一个通用的数学原则是使用满足所有模运算不可分解多项式约束条件的多项式。

* 这种情况下的不可分解是指多项式除了 1 与它自身之外不能被任何其它的多项式整除。


* 如果 CRC 有多于一个的非零系数,那么 CRC 能够检查出输入消息中的所有单数据位错误。

* CRC 可以用于检测短于 2k 的输入消息中的所有双位错误,其中 k 是多项式的最长的不可分解部分的长度。

* 如果多项式可以被 x+1 整除,那么不存在可以被它整除的有奇数个非零系数的多项式。因此,它可以用来检测输入消息中的奇数个错误,就象奇偶校验函数那样。



* [[纠错码]]

* [[校验和算法列表]]

* [[奇偶校验位]]


* [[Adler-32]]

* [[Fletcher's checksum]]

==参考文献 ==



* [://.relisoft/science/CrcMath.html Tutorial and C++ implementation] of CRC

* Cyclic redundancy check - a simple guide to what it means for your data, CD and DVD discs. ://.softwarepatch/tips/cyclic-redundancy.html

* [://.ross.net/crc/ ''The CRC Pitstop'']

* Williams, R. (1993-09) [://.repairfaq.org/filipg/LINK/F_crc_v3.html ''A Painless Guide to CRC Error Detection Algorithms'']

* [://.4d/docs/CMU/CMU79909.HTM ''Understanding Cyclic Redundancy Check'']

* Black, R. (1994-02) [://.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/bluebook/21/crc/crc.html ''Fast CRC32 in Software''] — Algorithm 4 is used in Linux and info-zip's zip and unzip.

* Barr, M. ([://.netrino/Connecting/1999-11/ ''1999-11''], [://.netrino/Connecting/1999-12/ ''1999-12''], [://.netrino/Connecting/2000-01/ ''2000-01'']) checksums, CRCs, and their source code. Embedded Systems Programming

* [://.codeproject/cpp/crc32.asp CRC32: Generating a checksum for a file], C++ implementation by Brian Friesen

* Online [://serversniff.net/hash.php Tool to compute common CRCs (8/16/32/64) from strings]

* Online [://.zorc.breitbandkatze.de/crc.html CRC calculator]

* Online [://.easics/weools/crctool CRC Tool: Generator of synthesizable CRC functions]

* [://.paulschou/tools/xlate/ Online Char (ASCII), HEX, Binary, Base64, etc... Encoder/Decoder with MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1+2, CRC, etc. hashing algorithms]

* [://apollo.backplane/matt/crc64.html CRC16 to CRC64 collision research]

* [://sar.informatik.hu-berlin.de/research/publications/index.htm#SAR-PR-2006-05 Reversing CRC – Theory and Practice.]




[[ca:Control de redundància cíclica]]

[[cs:Cyklick? redundantní sou?et]]

[[de:Zyklische Redundanzprüfung]]

[[en:Cyclic redundancy check]]

[[es:Control de redundancia cíclica]]



[[fr:Contr?le de redondance cyclique]]

[[he: ]]


[[it:Cyclic redundancy check]]


[[ko: ?]]

[[nl:Cyclic Redundancy Check]]



[[ru:Циклический избыточный код]]

[[simple:Cyclic redundancy check]]

[[sk:Kontrola cyklick?m kódom]]

[[sv:Cyclic Redundancy Check]]





本文以意法半导体(ST)STM32L4、爱特梅尔(Atmel) SAML21J18A、德州仪器(TI) SimpleLink C26xx以及基于 Cortex-M4F的MSP432、恩智浦(NXP) LPC54102以及在中国名不见经传的Ambiq Micro Apollo系列为例,看看它们的低功耗究竟是怎样炼成的!


低功耗性能:动态运行功耗低至100 μA/MHz;关闭时最低电流为30 nA,唤醒时间:为5 μs


内核:80 MHz ARM Cortex-M4核+DSP+浮点运算单元 (FPU)


低功耗原因:ART加速器、Flash零等待执行、动态电压调节、FlexPowerControl智能架构,7种电源管理模式(运行、低功耗运行、睡眠、低功耗睡眠、停止1、停止2、待机、关闭)。还有ST的Batch Acquisition Mode(BAM),其允许在低功耗模式下与通信接口足够的数据交换。FlexPowerControl是在低功耗模式时保持SRAM待机,为特定外设和I/O管理独立电源。


动态运行功耗: 低至100 μA/MHz;

超低功耗模式: 30 nA 有后备寄存器而不需要实时时钟(5个唤醒引脚);

超低功耗模式+RTC: 330 nA 有后备寄存器 (5个唤醒引脚);

超低功耗模式+32 KB RAM: 360 nA;

超低功耗模式+32 KB RAM+RTC: 660 nA。


意法半导体公司为开发者提供STM32 Cube MX功率模拟器,来估算所使用的意法MCU 在执行代码时的功率。

ULPBench测试环境:STM32 Nucleo

2.Atmel SAML21系列(SAML21J18A-UES)

低功耗性能:只消耗35 mA/MHz,睡眠模式下只有200 nA


内核:ARM Cortex-M0+







Embedded buck/LDO稳压器支持实时动态的选择;


ULPBench测试环境:SAML21 Xplained R


























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The Moon, of course, has been known since prehistoric times. It is the second brightest object in the sky after the Sun. As the Moon orbits around the Earth once per month, the angle between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun changes; we see this as the cycle of the Moon's phases. The time between successive new moons is 29.5 days (709 hours), slightly different from the Moon's orbital period (measured against the stars) since the Earth moves a significant distance in its orbit around the Sun in that time.

Due to its size and composition, the Moon is sometimes classified as a terrestrial "planet" along with Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

The Moon was first visited by the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2 in 1959. It is the only extraterrestrial body to he been visited by humans. The first landing was on July 20, 1969 (do you remember where you were?); the last was in December 12. The Moon is also the only body from which samples he been returned to Earth. In the summer of 1994, the Moon was very extensively med by the little spacecraft Clementine and again in 1999 by Lunar Prospector.

The gritational forces between the Earth and the Moon cause some interesting effects. The most obvious is the tides. The Moon's gritational attraction is stronger on the side of the Earth nearest to the Moon and weaker on the opposite side. Since the Earth, and particularly the oceans, is not perfectly rigid it is stretched out along the line toward the Moon. From our perspective on the Earth's surface we see two small bulges, one in the direction of the Moon and one directly opposite. The effect is much stronger in the ocean water than in the solid crust so the water bulges are higher. And because the Earth rotates much faster than the Moon moves in its orbit, the bulges move around the Earth about once a day giving two high tides per day. (This is a greatly simplified model; actual tides, especially near the coasts, are much more complicated.)

But the Earth is not completely fluid, either. The Earth's rotation carries the Earth's bulges slightly ahead of the point directly beneath the Moon. This means that the force between the Earth and the Moon is not exactly along the line between their centers producing a torque on the Earth and an accelerating force on the Moon. This causes a net transfer of rotational energy from the Earth to the Moon, slowing down the Earth's rotation by about 1.5 milliseconds/century and raising the Moon into a higher orbit by about 3.8 centimeters per year. (The opposite effect hens to satellites with unusual orbits such as Phobos and Triton).

The asymmetric nature of this gritational interaction is also responsible for the fact that the Moon rotates synchronously, i.e. it is locked in phase with its orbit so that the same side is always facing toward the Earth. Just as the Earth's rotation is now being slowed by the Moon's influence so in the distant past the Moon's rotation was slowed by the action of the Earth, but in that case the effect was much stronger. When the Moon's rotation rate was slowed to match its orbital period (such that the bulge always faced toward the Earth) there was no longer an off-center torque on the Moon and a stable situation was achieved. The same thing has hened to most of the other satellites in the solar system. Eventually, the Earth's rotation will be slowed to match the Moon's period, too, as is the case with Pluto and Charon.

Actually, the Moon ears to wobble a bit (due to its slightly non-circular orbit) so that a few degrees of the far side can be seen from time to time, but the majority of the far side (left) was completely unknown until the Soviet spacecraft Luna 3 photographed it in 1959. (Note: there is no "dark side" of the Moon; all parts of the Moon get sunlight half the time (except for a few deep craters near the poles). Some uses of the term "dark side" in the past may he referred to the far side as "dark" in the sense of "unknown" (eg "darkest Africa") but even that meaning is no longer valid today!)

The Moon has no atmosphere. But evidence from Clementine suggested that there may be water ice in some deep craters near the Moon's south pole which are permanently shaded. This has now been reinforced by data from Lunar Prospector. There is arently ice at the north pole as well. A final determination will probably come from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, scheduled for 2008.

The Moon's crust erages 68 km thick and varies from essentially 0 under Mare Crisium to 107 km north of the crater Korolev on the lunar far side. Below the crust is a mantle and probably a small core (roughly 340 km radius and 2% of the Moon's mass). Unlike the Earth, however, the Moon's interior is no longer active. Curiously, the Moon's center of mass is offset from its geometric center by about 2 km in the direction toward the Earth. Also, the crust is thinner on the near side.

There are two primary types of terrain on the Moon: the heily cratered and very old highlands and the relatively smooth and younger maria. The maria (which comprise about 16% of the Moon's surface) are huge impact craters that were later flooded by molten la. Most of the surface is covered with regolith, a mixture of fine dust and rocky debris produced by meteor impacts. For some unknown reason, the maria are concentrated on the near side.

Most of the craters on the near side are named for famous figures in the history of science such as Tycho, Copernicus, and Ptolemaeus. Features on the far side he more modern references such as Apollo, Gagarin and Korolev (with a distinctly Russian bias since the first images were oained by Luna 3). In addition to the familiar features on the near side, the Moon also has the huge craters South Pole-Aitken on the far side which is 2250 km in diameter and 12 km deep making it the the largest impact basin in the solar system and Orientale on the western limb (as seen from Earth; in the center of the image at left) which is a splendid example of a multi-ring crater.

A total of 382 kg of rock samples were returned to the Earth by the Apollo and Luna programs. These provide most of our detailed knowledge of the Moon. They are particularly valuable in that they can be dated. Even today, more than 30 years after the last Moon landing, scientists still study these precious samples.

Most rocks on the surface of the Moon seem to be between 4.6 and 3 billion years old. This is a fortuitous match with the oldest terrestrial rocks which are rarely more than 3 billion years old. Thus the Moon provides evidence about the early history of the Solar System not ailable on the Earth.

Prior to the study of the Apollo samples, there was no consensus about the origin of the Moon. There were three principal theories: co-accretion which asserted that the Moon and the Earth formed at the same time from the Solar Nebula; fission which asserted that the Moon split off of the Earth; and capture which held that the Moon formed elsewhere and was subsequently captured by the Earth. None of these work very well. But the new and detailed information from the Moon rocks led to the impact theory: that the Earth collided with a very large object (as big as Mars or more) and that the Moon formed from the ejected material. There are still details to be worked out, but the impact theory is now widely accepted.

The Moon has no global magnetic field. But some of its surface rocks exhibit remanent magnetism indicating that there may he been a global magnetic field early in the Moon's history.

With no atmosphere and no magnetic field, the Moon's surface is exposed directly to the solar wind. Over its 4 billion year lifetime many ions from the solar wind he become embedded in the Moon's regolith. Thus samples of regolith returned by the Apollo missions proved valuable in studies of the solar wind.



